1340 N Grundy Quarles Hwy
Gainesboro, TN 38562


Apartment Style Accommodation For Seniors

Assisted Living is an apartment style accommodation for seniors who are no longer comfortable living independently and who may not want the responsibilities of home ownership any longer. Residents require help with some everyday activities due to the simple fact of aging, but they are still active and vital. Our assistance may help them stay that way. Assisted Living allows for and supports independence, privacy and respect. Our personal Care Attendants may offer help when it’s needed in a comfortable environment that was designed to accommodate seniors. Senior living tailored your needs.

Some examples of assistance:

  • Restaurant-style menu
  • Weekly housekeeping services
  • Wellness Checks
  • Emergency call system
  • Leisure activities
  • Night time check
  • Hair salon
  • Guest accommodations
  • Scheduled transportation
  • Weekly laundering of bed linens and towels
  • Medication reminders
  • Personal Laundry services upon request
  • Short-term stay accommodations

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